When we met Martin, he was exhausted by months of couch surfing. Going from house to house and sleeping wherever he could lay his head for a night felt like rock bottom. He was desperate for more than a safe place to sleep, though. He also desperately wanted the opportunity to change his life.
To give him the stability he needed to get back on his feet, Martin moved into our BuildUP Men’s Transitional Home. Once he didn’t have to spend all his time and energy ensuring a roof over his head night after night, Martin could shift his focus to bigger areas of change.
Martin is finally able to focus on his job and family. He’s maintained steady employment by showing up every day and working hard. He reached out to his son and began to repair that relationship. We’re thrilled by what’s God doing in Martin’s life!
“Urban Purpose took the time to hear my story and work with me to help build a brighter future for my life. They’ve given me a new lease on life to grow and become a more responsible member of society.”